Fornitore all′ingrosso OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 duttile Tombino rotondo e quadrato in ghisa doppio coperchio triangolare con Prezzo di fabbrica del telaio

Personalizzazione: Disponibile
Servizio post-vendita:
Garanzia: 1 anno

Products Details

Informazioni di Base.

Model No.
Manhole Cover
rotondo, quadrato
vernice epossidica/bitume nera
standard en124
nero, grigio, ecc.
disponibile su misura
Pacchetto di Trasporto
pallet in acciaio o legno
richiesto dal cliente
Shanxi, China
Capacità di Produzione
1000 tonnellate/mese

Descrizione del Prodotto

Classe dimensioni telaio  (mm) apertura trasparente (mm)



peso unitario   (kg) Specifiche  
D400 750*750 600*600 100 84 ferro duttile; doppio triangolo; foro chiuso per chiave

1. Norma: ISO9001:2008, EN124
Materiale: Ferro duttile
3. Design: EN124 D400
4. Trattamento superficie: Vernice nera, vernice bituminosa nera
Ferro duttile GGG500-7 e 400-12
Nero, o come le vostre esigenze
ISO9001:2008, DIN EN124  
EN124 A15, B125, C250, D400, E600 E F900  
Linea di produzione meccanica orizzontale
Bitume nero/pittura esporia  
Macchine per l'edilizia

Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price
Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price

Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory PriceSupplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price
Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price
Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory PriceSupplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price
Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory PriceSupplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price
Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price
Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price

Supplier Wholesale OEM En124 B125 C250 D400 E600 F900 Ductile Iron Casting Round and Square Double Triangular Manhole Cover with Frame Factory Price


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